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Artem from Mirnograd, Donetsk region


The support of the WIX team gave Artem the opportunity to develop his chess skills, study ecology, and deepen his knowledge of history and literature.

Артем з Мирнограда, Донецької області, 16 років

Artem is a multifaceted personality. His biggest hobby is speedcubing - solving Rubik's cube for speed.  In addition to cubes of different sizes, he also builds pyramids and scewbs, a mechanical puzzle. He also loves to play chess, which he has been playing since he was 5 years old and already has a 3rd level. This game helps him to understand geometry better and develop spatial thinking. Artem loves history, so he collects various model booths, including recreating historical figures and equipment. He devotes his free time to researching history and ecology and presenting his work at conferences. He dreams of becoming an ecologist or a lawyer. 

Cake in the form of chessboard from the regional chess competition The boy creates a diorama of the military conflict in Vietnam

The WIX team supported Artem in his desire to develop and benefit others. The boy ordered his favorite books, materials for creating model booths, and intellectual games to help him srudy and develop. Artem also got the opportunity to study ecology and history.

During his participation in the project, the boy assembled a model of the Ghost of Kyiv, read the books he wanted to read that helped him defend his Junior Academy of Sciences projects, conducted full-fledged history lessons in grades 10-11, created a Diorama of the Vietnam War, won a prize in an all-Ukrainian essay competition, and participated in regional chess competitions.

Artem constantly shares his achievements, both big and small, and always sets new goals. His team of supporters rejoice in his victories and believe in his abilities and success.

Artem’s reading a new book

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